Technical guidelines on data delivery
Data Exchange / Contact
The Kodak InSite™ PrePress Portal System is a web portal of the company WEISS-Druck, which enables customers to handle the data exchange of a print job via the Internet. With InSite™, PDF files can be uploaded and the complete proof, correction and approval processes can be handled easily and effectively. Access data and any necessary instruction or assistance can be obtained from the responsible project manager.
Data transfer for advertisements (only for coldset)
Basically, all related advertisement files should be sent by e-mail to the responsible advertisement representative (If the data volume is too high, choose FTP transfer as an alternative.).
FTP transfer
An FTP server is also available to our customers. You can ask your project manager for the account.
Information on image data
- In order to achieve a satisfactory print quality, your grey scale and colour images should be resolved at 300 dpi and line drawings at 1200 dpi.
- To save transfer and computing time, please avoid excessively large image data.
- For image processing, please use the ICC profile of ECI/Fogra that matches the substrate.
Notes on PDF
- Fonts must be embedded
- TrimBoxes must be defined
- Image data must be embedded
- Do not insert OPI comments
- Do not insert form fields and comments
- Crop marks must be 3 mm from the end format
- We only process composite PDF files
Cutout & Trapping
- The cutout & overprint settings of your documents are not changed in our RIP, with two exceptions.
- Only 100% black text up to 12 point font size and 100% black lines up to 2 point thickness are automatically set to overprint by the RIP.
- If necessary, our RIP will trap any elements that are cutout to optimise register.
Font sizes & line widths
- The smallest negative font size that can be displayed is 6 points
- Line thicknesses should not be less than 0.1 mm
Colour management
- For CMYK productions, all components of the PDF must be converted to CMYK. Deviating RGB and special colours are converted by us with a standard profile into CMYK, which can lead to unwanted colour rendition.
- ICC profiles embedded or attached in the PDF are ignored by our workflow and are not used.
- CMYK based PDF/X-1a, PDF/X-3 and PDF/X-4 can be easily transferred to us as job data.
- If you are transferring media-neutral PDF/X to us, this must be announced and checked in advance.
- Our workflow is single page-based! Therefore, please deliver one PDF per single page for a smooth workflow.
- A bleed margin of 3 mm around the complete page is sufficient.
Test data
- Before you send us your final production data, test data is mandatory. After a preflight check, you will receive a message from us about the result and, if necessary, instructions for correction.
- The test data accepted as "OK" is considered as reference for your production data. Possible deviations between OK test data and production data require additional work, which we charge as additional processing costs.
Black language and version changes
If you want to change language and version in black, the following points must be observed:
- The cyan, magenta, yellow extracts of the basic version are combined with the black extract of the change version.
- All desired change elements may only be coloured in black.
- All desired change elements must be set to "overprint".
- If there are image elements in the version change which are combined with the image elements of the basic version, a correct, register accuracy status in the change version must be guaranteed.
File names
- To ensure a continuous page order in the workflow, the file name should start with the page number.
- You should also avoid umlauts and special characters in the file name.
- Each file must end with a file suffix.
The following example results from these three points:
- 001_Musterkatalog.pdf
If you are working with language changes, please add the language identifier to the file name.
- 001_DE_Musterkatalog.pdf
- 001_NL_Musterkatalog.pdf

Info on digital-proof (contract-proof)
- If you provide us with contract proofs for colour matching, the simulated paper type should match the paper type in the printing press. Only use the standardised simulations from Fogra and ECI which describe the PSO.
- The simulated printing condition must be visible in the status line of the proof.
- There must be a UGRA/FOGRA media wedge including control evaluation on each contract proof.
- Proofs and production prints should only be compared under standard light according to ISO 3664.
Print-substrate | ICC Profil / mx-4 | Characterisation data | Paper definition |
Image printing hf glossy, matt
PSO LWC Improved
Enhanced LWC glossy, matt
PSO LWC Standard
Standard LWC glossy, matt
PSO LWC Standard
Recycling LWC glossy, matt
PS5 bright white
Uncoated offset bright white
PS5 natural white
Uncoated Offset natural white
PSO SC-B_Paper_v3
Super Calandered
Enhanced newspaper
Standard newspaper
IFRA 26 v5
Standard newspaper (coldset)
Information about the print run
Solid inking for job printing web & sheet
CIELAB according to ISO 12647-2 Print Substrate PS1 to PS8
Solid inking for newspaper printing
CIELAB according to ISO 12647-3 Ifra26
Fluctuations within the normal distribution curve are process-related. Colour differences are minimised, but are technically unavoidable.
Dot gain
The dot gain increases according to Process Standard Offset Printing apply to the respective paper types.