More than just a weekly newspaper
The WochenKurier has been published for over 30 years in 14 local editions in Eastern Saxony and Southern Brandenburg and arrives punctually in your mailbox every week. In addition to the popular advertising journal, the company also offers other print and digital services. The publishing company, with its office in Elsterheide, offers its readers and users a special media experience.
Our distribution area
Our services

The WochenKurier has been on the market for 30 years and is published in 14 local editions in East Saxony and South Brandenburg. With our high editorial standards, we are the local newspaper in your neighbourhood. For local and national customers, we offer an advertising platform with high acceptance and thus an ideal environment for advertisements and supplements.

With over 100 target group and regional magazines, we inspire our readers throughout the year. The magazines stand out from basic medium with their high paper and print quality and have a longer retention time in households. In addition to the publisher's own products, we also offer individual customer magazines, with a range of services starting from the idea, conception and editing to the layout, printing and distribution.

As a digital extension, we offer our customers standard and individual advertising presences on our Webseite in the form of banners, crossover ads, e-paper links, online supplements or online reader campaigns. Posts on the publisher's own Facebook sites, displayed according to region, as well as cross-media extensions for various target group magazines round off the product range.

New business segments
As an initiator, we implement two major events a year with our two healthcare trade fairs in Dresden and Cottbus. In this way, we offer our customers communication with the desired target group beyond print and online: In the form of personal contact.
On customer request, we are also happy to help with the organisation and design of smaller events (campaign days, open days). With a large network in the regions and the perfect advertising mix in our own print and online media, we round off the offer with contacts and an optimal application.
We are here for you

Martina Schmitz
Managing Director

Philipp Magnus Froben
Managing Director

Torsten Berge
Publishing Manager

Sina Häse
Publishing Manager

Claudia Welsch

Kerstin Baumert
Area Publishing Manager - West

Peter Hatzirakleos
Deputy Publishing Manager Sales